Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ai Weiwei's political and cultural influece

Ai Weiwei is one of the most prolific and influential artists living in China today. He was one of the founders of the now infamous Fuck Off exhibit that showed simultaneously as the Shanghai Bienalle in 2000. Ai Weiwei's healthy political opposition since the cultural revolution when he watched his father forced out of publication and into cleaning latrines in a remote location in Norther China.

The artist Ai Weiwei has extensively criticized the unlawful use of governmental power over Chinese citizens, and the poor handling of the Sichuan earthquake devastation in 2008. Spotlighted in a New York Times' article, as well as many party announcements, Ai Weiwei has reached a large number of Chinese people through both his star power (he is most publicly know for helping design the Beijing's Bird's Nest) Internet publications such Ai Weiwei's blog (English translation) are becoming of increasing importance in not only China but also the world.

Despite his political dissonance Ai Weiwei has only become more popular around the world and in China itself. Today thoughsands of Chinese read his publications, and his works are very popular in the world art market.

His sculpture and performance art maintains a keen sense of the current cultural pulse of China, and he remains to be extremely influence to young Chinese artist as well.

I have to admit. I think Ai Weiwei is a really inspiring figure to me as an artist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read your article on chinese contemporary art
Enclosed some more informations on the dsl collection.
The dsl collection is a private collection representing 70 of the leading Chinese avant-garde artists, artists having a major influence on the development of contemporary art in China today. The range of media present in the collection include painting, sculpture, installation, video, and photography; yet the choice of works tries to go beyond the current contemporary art market frenzy.

The DSL website is as attempt to create an open space for public actions, a journey for unknown encounters. As we witness an acceleration of exhibitions activities across the globe, the scale of a show is becoming less relevant than finding new ways to engage a new audience.

The first rooms of a virtual museum are already on line.

I would like to invite you to have a closer look at the collection website and the E-book catalogue of the collection on line :

Best ,

Sylvain LEVY